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'Diviner' Sculpture


Circle red sculpture

‘Circle Red’

'Birds' Sculpture



Untitled Black paint on EPS sculpture

‘Black paint on EPS’

Cloud Machine

‘Cloud Machine’

'T-R22' sculpture


Beyond the blue

‘beyond the blue’

boundary sculpture


1111 sculpture


temple of the jaguar sculpture

‘Temple of the Jaguar’

OP-1 sculpture


Bella-Mia Sculpture




P1-22 sculpture


Eight sculpture


br01 sculpture


Primitive Man sculpture

‘Primitive man’

Rumpus Sculpture


white paint on EPS sculpture

‘White paint on EPS’

red paint on EPS sculpture

‘Red paint on EPS 2020’

‘CE5’ sculpture


'Phase Five sculpture'

‘Phase Five’

three casts into blocks sculpture

‘Three casts into blocks’

ray of sun sculpture

‘Ray of Sun’

from a dark place sculpture

‘From a dark place’

Apothem sculpture


Fracture sculpture F01


space X launch today sculpture

‘untitled’ black

G Sculpture


Separation sculpture


landscape sculpture series L.01


three semicircles sculpture


man-made sculpture

‘T 1.0’

'Six blocks, balancing'

‘Six blocks, balancing’

'In the beginning' sculpture

‘In the beginning’

All I see is blue sculpture

‘All I see is blue’

Fragment no.7 sculpture

‘Fragment no.7’

untitled orange sculpture

‘untitled, orange’

'untitled' blue sculpture

‘untitled’ blue

untitled green sculpture

‘untitled’ green sculpture

Two by Three Sculpture

‘Two by three’

Five by Four sculpture

‘Five by four’

six by four sculpture

‘Six by four’

'In plain view' sculpture

‘In plain view’

'Bird, perched sculpture'

‘Bird, perched’

long stretch sculpture

‘Long Stretch’

Sacrifice sculpture


'In the shape of things to come' sculpture

‘In the shape of things to come’

‘In the beginning’ sculpture

‘In the beginning’

the bare bones sculpture

‘the bare bones’

Repetition sculpture


sunset painting sculpture


N05 plaster sculpture


Green Mask Sculpture

‘Green Mask’ (2019)

Two Up Sculpture

‘Two Up’ (2019)

Capture the Flag Sculpture

‘Capture the Flag’


‘West Coast’

'Sunset baby' sculpture

‘Sunset baby’

rhythm sculpture


Spring Sculpture


First Light Sculpture

‘First Light’

Phase 3 sculpture

‘Phase 3’



Pitch Black Sculpture

‘Pitch Black’

033T19 sculpture


‘Untitled’ scupture (2019)


‘Squeeze baby’ sculpture

‘Squeeze, baby’

'Temple' sculpture


Fragment N.05 sculpture

Fragment n.05

'Naked Ambition Sculpture

‘Naked Ambition’

Little red riding hood sculpture

‘Little red riding hood’

‘No.1’ Fragment sculpture

‘No.2’ Fragment

‘No.1’ fragment series sculpture

‘No.1’ Fragment

Red cube sculpture

‘Red Cube’

baby blue sculpture

‘Baby Blue’

'Straight down' sculpture

‘Straight down’

'Flux' sculpture


Boundary sculpture


'Red, white & blue' sculpture

Red, white & Blue

Quadrilaterals No.1' sculpture

‘Quadrilaterals No.1’

mixed media sculpture

Untitled ‘No6’

'sunrise over valley

‘Sunrise over Valley’

'Minotaur' sculpture


Phase 2 sculpture

‘Phase 2’

space between sculpture

‘Space between’

'personal space sculpture'

‘Personal space’

'Saturation point' sculpture'

‘Saturation point’

'beacon' sculpture


'murmur' sculpture


'Separation, Six' sculpture

‘Separation, Six’

Analog sculpture


separation eight sculpture

‘Separation, eight’

circle deep blue sculpture

‘Circle, deep blue’

totem sculpture


'Singularity' Abstract Sculpture


'Standing stones' sculpture

‘Standing Stones’

observatory sculpture


tomb marble sculpture


Beginning of the end

‘Beginning of the end’

lighting sculpture

‘No.3’ Conflict Series

‘No.5’ Conflict Series

Contemporary Light sculpture

‘No.4’ Conflict series

lighting sculpture

‘No.2’ Conflict Series

edge-lit lighting sculpture

‘No.1’ Conflict Series

Eclipse acrylic sculpture

‘Eclipse’ Edge Series

concrete jungle mural

‘Concrete Jungle’

light meter sculpture

‘Light Meter’

LED acrylic sculptures

‘Edge’ Series